
In-person event


- 29 November 2022

- ESADE Pedralbes, Barcelona | 11:30h - 13:30h

Alignment of Spanish companies with the Sustainable Development Goals

We invite you to the presentation of the first edition of the SDG Barometer 2022, carried out by Esade with the support of SEIDOR.

This hybrid event will present the main conclusions of this Barometer on the "alignment of Spanish companies with the Sustainable Development Goals". Unprecedented insight into the status and importance of the SDGs and the Agenda 2030 for Spanish companies, from the perspective of their knowledge and effective implementation in the organisational strategy and structure.

Some of the conclusions we will see are: motivations and barriers towards alignment with the SDGs, the main actions and strategies followed, their impact and possible communication strategies.


11:30 | Doors open

12:00 | Institutional Presentation of the Event

María Díaz: Director of Communication, Brands and Institutional Relations at Esade

12:05 | Presentation of the Barometer results

Carles Agustí: Expert in International Governance and SDGs. Co-author of the Barometer

Iván González: Corporate Director of Marketing and Communication of SEIDOR

12:35 | Round Table: Success stories, challenges and lessons learned in implementing the SDGs


Sònia Ruiz, Senior Research Fellow at the Esade Institute of Social Innovation. Founder of NOIMA Meaningful Strategies.


Ana Urmeneta: Sustainable Development for Generations at Boehringer Ingelheim

Sandra González: Sustainability Strategy and Monitoring Manager at Caixabank

Jean-Baptiste Boubault: Country Manager of Phenix Spain

13:20 | Closing

Sònia Ruiz: Senior researcher at the Esade Institute of Social Innovation. Founder of NOIMA Meaningful Strategies.

13:30 | Catering & Networking